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Templefields Multi- Academy Trust


On behalf of the children, families and staff within Templefields Multi- Academy Trust, I welcome you to our website and organisation.

The core function and moral purpose of Templefields Multi- Academy Trust is to ensure all of the young people in our academies exceed their expectations and enhance their life chances. This is achieved by creating a community of excellence where opinions are heard and everyone’s contribution is valued.

It is an absolute privilege for me to be the Chief Executive Officer of this great organisation. The people working within the Trust, who inspire our pupils every day, are a credit to the profession. Each academy within the trust has its own individual identity that meets the different needs of the communities it serves. The three primary academies which have joined together want to grow and flourish “In harmony, small things grow together."

Whether you are a prospective pupil, parent or professional, or perhaps you are just curious about us and what we do, I can assure you that we have a strong moral purpose to make sure our vision and values are more than just words on a website.

We would be happy to welcome you at any time.

Sue Spearman